Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #18: Be Known for Making and Keeping PromisesThis leadership blog comes after a long break from the posting of Strong Points Leadership [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #17: Wear Your Moral Compass on Your SleeveThomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of our nation, and one of the five [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #16: Develop Break-the-Mood Strategies and ToolsThe pressure to perform, to produce, and to provide value to an employer, to a [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #15: What You See Depends on Where You AreWe live in an Information Age and an Information-Based Economy. Many, if not most of [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #14: Practice ChangingChange is hard. Change is constant. Change is Slow. We hear these messages over, and [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #13: Factor in Fun, Inspiration and TogethernessLeadership, fundamentally, is about movement in a positive direction. It involves moving people, moving organizations, [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #12: Study Learning in the Operating EnvironmentSo often in the work of Strong Point, have I seen, or felt or heard [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #11: Maintain an Active Innovation LabThere’s an undeniable correlation between Innovation and Leadership. Market leaders in any industry are innovators [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #10: Teach and Strengthen Core CompetenciesIt’s been almost thirty years since C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel introduced the idea of [...]
Strong Point’s Leadership Rule #9: Work with Deep PeopleThe motivation to lead and follow occurs on a deep interpersonal level and through a [...]